Kim Sowohl
Last night, all night long,
ka-a-awk, ka-a-awk, a crow cawed again
at the tavern house.
how many miles more,
where am I going?
Up to the mountains
or down to the fields?
I can’t go because nowhere beckons me to come–
Never mind. My home is
in Jungju Gwaksan
where trains run and boats sail.
“Halloo, you,
wild geese in the sky,
is there a road where you fare so well?
“Halloo, you,
wild geese in the sky,
is there a road where you fare so well?”
“Halloo, you,
wild geese in the sky,
I stand in the middle of a crossroads.”
The road branches out again and again
into smaller roads,
yet, there is none for me where I can go.
published in InTranslation, Brooklyn Rail. (July 2016)