Cho Ji Hoon
Beautifying the Blades of Weeds
Below the ruined fortress, there is a boulder,
carved for eons by snow and wind.
The hilltop, over the fog, adri, as if waving a hand vaguely to me.
Quietly, I climb up there and look at the blades of weeds,
neatly cleaned by a single stream of wind.
At that long wispy breeze, even my composure trembles lightly.
O, our lovely separate selves! Since the primordial beginning
the countless rebirths aer, we are here again.
Looking at each other’s worn-out faces, laughing, we converse soly.
At which the flow of time undulates a single blossom of soul
opens discreetly.
풀잎 단장
아득히 손짓하며 떠가는 언덕에 말없이 올라서서
한 줄기 바람에 조찰히 씻기우는 풀잎을 바라보며
나의 몸가짐 또한 실오리 같은 바람결에 흔들리노라.
아 우리들 태초의 생명의 아름다운 분신으로 여기 태어나
고달픈 얼굴을 마주 대고 나직이 웃으며 예기하노니
때의 흐름이 조용히 물결치는 것에 그윽히 피어 오르는
한 떨기 영혼이여.
published in AzonaL, January 9, 2023.
AzonaL Five (pdf)